B.R College of Education

Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)

Eligibility Conditions for Admission to B.Ed. Two Year Regular Course as per NCTE Norms is as under:
Candidates with at least 50% marks either in the Bachelor’s Degree or in the Master’s Degree in Sciences/Social Sciences/Humanity, Bachelor’s in Engineering or Technology with specialization in Science and Mathematics with 55% marks or any other qualification equivalent thereto, are eligible for admission to the programme.

(i) There shallbe no roundingoff of percentage ofmarks ofthequalifying examinationfrom0.5% and above to nexthighernumber fordeterminingthe eligibilityi.e. 49.5%andabovewillnotbe rounded off to 50%.
(ii) 47.5%/ 52.25% (in case of 50%/55%).marksfor SC/STcandidates of Haryana State only. As per letter dated :-16-07-2014
(iii) 47.5%/ 52.25% (in case of 50%/55%). marks for Blinc/Persons with Differently Abled and visually/Hearing Impaired candidate.
(iv) Candidates with Compartment will not be allowed admission in B.Ed. (Regular Course) in any case.
(v) Cut off date for eligibilitywill be the last date/time of online choice filling.
(vi) One year PG diploma in any subject will not be considered equivalent to Master’s Degree.
(vii) 50% of the total seats in each college shall be reserved for Group- I i.e. Science & Arts with Maths- group candidates. Other 50% seats shall be reserved for Group- II i.e. Arts & Commerce Group Candidates.
(ix) No one who is in employment (whole-time, Part-time or Honorary Service) shall be allowed to join B.Ed. Course without taking leave from his/her institution/office etc. from the date of commencement of the Academic Session to the conclusion of his/her final examination and submission of ‘No Objection’ from his/her employer.


(A) The seats shall be distributed as under :

Sr. Category Percentage
1. All India Open Category including Haryana 15% of the Sanctioned Intake
2. Bonafide Residents of Haryana (State Quota) 85% of the Sanctioned Intake (State Quota is equally divided into Haryana Open General Category and Reserved Categories of
(i) Haryana Open General Category *50% of State Quota (i.e. 42.5% of total intake)
a. Economically Weaker Sections of Haryana
(who are not covered under the existing scheme of reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Backward Class (Block-A &B) other than category (ii) a & b below.)
*10% of seats reserved for EWS out of Haryana

Open General Category seats.
(ii) Reserved Categories of Haryana 50% (of State Quota i.e. 42.5% of total intake) a. Schedule Castes of Haryana 20% of State Quota (i.e. 17% of total intake)
(i) Scheduled Castes 10% of State Quota (i.e. 8.5% of total intake)
(ii) Deprived Schedule Castes 10% of State Quota (i.e. 8.5% of total) b. Backward Classes of Haryana (except Socially Advanced Persons/Sections (Creamy Layer) 27% of State Quota (i.e. 22.95% of total intake)
i. BC (Block-A) 16% of State Quota (i.e. 13.6% of Total Intake)
ii. BC (Block-B) 11% of State Quota (i.e. 9.35% of Total Intake)
(iii) Differently Abled 03% of State Quota (i.e. 2.55% of Total Intake)
If the seats reserved for differently abled persons remain vacant due to non-availability of suitable differently abled candidates, it may be offered to Ex-servicemen and their wards (1%) and dependents of Freedom Fighters (1%).
(iv) Further 3% horizontal reservation is also provided to Ex-servicemen/Freedom Fighters and their dependents by providing reservation within reservation of 1% of General category, 1% out of Scheduled Castes and 1% from Backward Classes category for admissions to the various educational institutions of the Govt. and Govt. aided/ institutes located in Haryana. As far as block allocation in Block A and Block B of Backward Classes category is concerned, year wise rotational system will be adopted. For example, if Block A of Backward Classes are given seats in the Academic Year 2019, the next Block i.e. B Block of category of Backward Classes will be given seats in the next academic year i.e. 2021 and so on. The concerned Chairperson/Director of the Department/Institute shall maintain a roster register for horizontal reservation of Ex-servicemen/Freedom Fighter & their dependents and carry forward all fractions till one seat is accumulated through different fractions over the year. As and when the total comes to one, a seat will be provided to the concerned category.

Note : 1. The reservation of seats as per reservation policy of Haryana Government and is subject to any change/amendment by the State Government from time to time.
2. Where a seat set aside for candidate from Deprived Scheduled Castes for admission in Government Educational Institutions is not filled up in academic year due to non-availability of candidate of Deprived Scheduled Castes possessing the requisite qualifications, the same shall be made available to candidate of Scheduled Castes. Reserved seats will not be carried forward to next year.
3. Remaining instructions for reservation shall remain the same as already notified by the State Government from time to time.
(B) Guidelines for Reservation :
1. If the reserved seat(s) of BC Block ‘A’ remain vacant these will be filled up from BC Block ‘B’ and vice versa.
2. The seats remaining vacant under various reserved categories other than SC category will be converted into General Category only if up to the date of display of final list or day of final counseling (whichever applicable), no eligible candidate belonging to the respective reserved categories is available for admission.
3. Candidates claiming reservation under Scheduled Caste will submit the certificate as per Annexure (Scheduled Caste Certificate), Backward Class (Block ‘A’ & ‘B’) will submit the certificate on the prescribed Proforma as per Annexure (Backward Class Certificate ‘A’ or ‘B’) given in the Prospectus and Income Certificate from the Competent Authority. Vide Notification No. 1282-SW(1) dated 28.08.2018 the Government of Haryana Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes Department has intimated that the Government Notification No. 808-SW(1) dated 17.08.2016 has been examined in consultation with the Advocate General Haryana. The Advocate General relying upon the judgment of the Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court has opined that the criteria for computing annual income as prescribed under the above notification as gross annual income shall include income from all sources. All previous notifications or instructions which provided for a different mode of computing annual income stands over-ridden. Income certificate mentioning gross annual income issued after 31.03.2019 (i.e. w.e.f.01.04.2019) shall only be considered for availing any benefit under BC(A) and BC(B)
category.Instructions for gross annual income of BC (A) and BC(B) category issued vide Haryana Government, Welfare of Schedule Castes and Backward Classes Department Notification No. 1282-SW(1) dated 28.08.2018 be followed and Haryana Government Notification No. 808-SW(1) dated 17.08.2016 be set aside as the Hon’ble Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh vide its judgment dated 07.08.2018 rendered in CWP 15731 of 2018, titled as Nisha vs. State of Haryana and ors. while deciding bunch of CWPs including CWP No. 18234, Anupama & Anuradha Vs. State of Haryana and Others (relating to admission under BC category in LL.B. 3- Yr. course of the KUK session 2018-19) while allowing the said CWPs the Hon’ble High Court has set aside the Haryana Govt. Notification dated 17.08.2016 and has further directed that the counseling shall be held afresh on the basis of the earlier existing criteria limiting the preference to those BCs with an income upto Rs.6 lakhs with no further sub-classification. Benefit of reservation willbe given to all the reserved categories upto Final List according to there reservation policy given in the Prospectus. In case at the time of display of Final List the reserved seats of various categories other than S.C. category, remain vacant and no eligible candidates of the reserved categories are available, these vacant seats will be filled up on open merit basis at the time of Final List. The vacant seats of SC category will not be converted.
4. Only the candidates having permanent disability of not less than 40% (being otherwise fit for admission to the course) will be considered for admission as Differently Abled. Disability certificate must be issued by the Chief Medical Officer of the concerned District. However, the certificate shall be subject to verification by a Medical Board of the University constituted for the purpose and the decision of the Board shall be final. Differently abled candidates belonging to Haryana are required to submit the certificate as per Annexure (Medical certificate for Differently Abled) given in the Prospectus.
5. Children and Grand-Children of Freedom Fighters of Haryana are required to submit a certificate from the concerned Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District as per Annexure (Certificate to be furnished by Children/grand Children of Freedom Fighter) given in the Prospectus.
6. Certificate from Ex-Servicemen and their wards for Deceased or Disabled or Discharged Military/ Paramilitary Personnel, Ex-Servicemen or Ex-Personnel of Para-Military Forces as per Annexure given in the Prospectus.
7. Certificate from Ex-Employees and their wards for the Ex-employees of Indian Defence Services/Paramilitary Forces as per Annexure given in the Prospectus.
8. For horizontal reservation, ESM/DFF candidates of General, SC and BC category will also have to furnish ESM/DFF certificate.
9. As per instructions of the Government of Haryana, General Administration Department, General ServicesIII Branch, Chandigarh containing in letter No. 22/10/2013-1GSIII dated 10.08.2017 for giving following priorities for reservations or preferences to the wards of Armed Forces personnel for admission in medical/professional/non-professional courses running in the University Teaching Departments/Institutes/Affiliated/Maintained Colleges/ Institutes :
(a) Priority-I : Widows/Wards of Defence personnel killed in action.
(b) Priority-II : Wards of disabled in action and boarded out from service.
(c) Priority-III : Widows / Wards of Defence personnel who died while in service with death attributable to military service.
(d) Priority-IV : Wards of disabled in service and boarded out with disability attributable to military service.
(e) Priority-V : Wards of Ex-servicemen who are in receipt of Gallantry Awards:
(i) Param Vir Chakra
(ii) Ashok Chakra
(iii) SarvottamYudhSeva Medal
(iv) MahaVir Chakra
(v) Kirti Chakra
(vi) UttamYudhSeva Medal
(vii) Vir Chakra
(viii) Shaurya Chakra
(ix) YudhSeva Medal
(x) Sena, Nau Sena, Vayu Sena Medal
(xi) Mention – in-Despatches
(f) Priority-VI : Wards of Ex-servicemen.

The Admission Committee vide its Res. No. 6 dated 14.05.2018 has resolved the above instructions of the State Govt. be implemented in all the courses being run in the University Teaching Departments/Institutes and affiliated/ maintained Colleges.
10. In pursuance of the decision of Hon’ble Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh dated 11.04.2013 in the LPA 98/2013 (O&M) CWP No.20359 of 2012, Sh. Ishwar Singh Vs KUK &Others, preference shall be given to ESM first before giving admission to wards against ESM reserved seats.
11. Under differently abled category, at least one candidate will be admitted, even if the share is less than 0.5 seat.
12. If a candidate of Haryana General, SC, BC and EWSs also apply for Differently Abled/ESM/ DFF category will be considered first for Haryana General, SC, BC and EWSs category.
13. * All the eligible candidates, whether from Haryana or from reserved categories can also compete for seats allocated under All India Category.
14. *All the eligible candidates of reserved categories shall be considered first for Haryana General category seats.
*(Note: Allotment of seats under Clause 13&14 above shall be strictly as per Director General Higher Education, Haryana Letter No.12/1-2017AD(3) Dated 04.06.2018 and Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana
Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes, Department, Chandigarh letter No.EC/2018/20179- 389 dated 26.04.2018 as per Annexure given in the Prospectus.
15. Admission Criteria for EWSs derived from the Government of Haryana, Notification No. 22/12/2019-1GSIII dated 25.02.2019 and even No. dated 13.03.2019 as under:
(a) Income & Assets Certificate issuing Authority:
(i) The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an Income and Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority. The Competent Authority for EWS Income and Asset Certificate shall be Tehsildar of the area where the applicant normally resides.
(ii)As per instructions given in Govt. of Haryana General Administration Dept. (G-III Branch) Notification No.22/12/2019-1GS-III dated 13.03.2019, Verifying Authorities for issue of EWS Certificate shall be same as prescribed for issue of resident/income certificates as specified in instruction No. 22/28/2003-3GS-III, dated 30.01.2004.
(iii)The prescribed format for EWS Income and Asset Certificate shall be provided at Annexure given in the Prospectus.
(b) Criteria of Income &Assets :
(i) Persons who are not covered under the existing scheme of reservation for Scheduled Caste, Backward Classes (Block-A) and Backward Classes (Block-B) and whose family has gross annual income below Rs.6.00 lakh (Rupees six lakh only) are to be identified as EWSs for benefit of reservation, Income shall also include income from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession etc. for the financial year prior to the year of application.
(ii)Also persons whose family owns or possesses any of the following assets shall be excluded from being identified as EWS, irrespective of the family income:-
a) 5 acres of agricultural land and above;
b) Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
c) Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
d) Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities;
e) Total immovable assets owned are valued at Rs. One Crore of more.
(iii)The property held by a “Family” in different locations or different places/cities would be clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS status.
(iv) The term “Family” for this purpose will include the person who applies for benefit of reservation, his/her parents, spouse as well as children and siblings below the age of 18 years.
17. Candidates who have passed their qualifying examination from a University in the State of Haryana will be deemed to be Haryana residents and will not be required to submit certificate of Bonafide residents of Haryana.
18. Reservation policy is not applicable on Private Educational Institutions (SELFFINANCING SCHEME Colleges) which receive no aid from the State irrespective of the mode of Examination i.e. either by themselves or by Nodal Authority vide MemoNo. 18/170-07 UNP(4) dated 27.8.2007 from Commissioner and Secretary to GovernmentHaryana, Education Department, Chandigarh.
19. A person belonging to the General Category married to a person belonging to the Scheduled Caste or Backward Classes, he/ she shall not be entitled to the benefit of reservation vide. Letter No. 22/57/2007-3GS-III dated 6/9/2007 from the Chief Secretary to Govt., Haryana.

Note :For any other clarification, Government of Haryana, Notification No. 22/12/2019-1GS-III dated
25.02.2019 and even No. dated 13.03.2019 will be referred


please let us know if you have any question regarding admission.